I love to dream. During the day, at night. In the car ( as a passenger, of course). During a boring meeting. When someone is telling me something I already know.
I dream of leisure. I dream of rest. Mind you, I am not saying that I dream of laziness. I dream of being able to get up, whenever I feel like it. Walking out of my home, that I own. Picking fresh pesticide free fruit from the trees. That I own. Picking vegetables straight from the ground, that I live on, without fear. Making delicious meals in my kitchen ( I like to do that). Feeding my family, friends, and a stranger or two ( I enjoy when people enjoy my creations. Go figure) without fear. I dream of being able to take care of myself and my loved ones in leisurely peace. I dream of world where my work is joyful, where it replenishing. Where it matters. I dream of a time when the word work does not make me think of strife. Some have forgotten that work can be done leisurely. Oh yes, it’s true. Struggle and strife should not come with the territory.1
Struggle is my nightmare. I dream of a struggle-free life because deep down I know that we were not meant to live a life of strife. I believe that, and my belief is not up for debate. Discussion, if I feel so inclined. But never debate.
Because let’s be clear. The second paragraph, where I state that my dream of leisure and rest is not one of laziness, was a gift. I need you to understand that. The first two sentences-
“I dream of leisure. I dream of rest.”
are enough. Period. Full stop. I did not need to elaborate further because, if I don’t owe another imperfect human an explanation for my real life, how on earth can one think I owe an explanation for my dreams? I am baffled.
Also, when I share any dream, by all means, share your dreams with me. That is lovely. We all have different dreams and we interpret them all differently. Wonderful!
But please let me be clear in stating that when I share anything, dreams or otherwise, unless there is a question clearly implied, I am not asking for you to dismantle my dream. I am not asking for permission to dream. I have had that from the moment of my creation. My dream may be different from your dream. Fantastic. But your dream is not better than mine. Especially if you are not a dreamer. How can you be critical of something you do not possess?
Do not try to crush my dreaming spirit because yours is too rigid. Do we not encourage children to dream, to imagine? We applaud them for the most whimsical dreams, the more outlandish the better. Why, doesn’t lil Suzy have the most vivid imagination? So shat- when we become adults, are we supposed to put away our childish dreams? Don’t adults, who under immense stress from a broken system (argue with your dead ancestors, Mmm’kay) need to dream? To have a temporary moment to wonder, what if? Of course they do.
Dreams may or may not come true. I am well aware of that-so that, also, does not need to be stated. Do not become so cynical and jaded that you read to criticize. Perhaps start reading to understand. Ask yourself why a middle aged, disabled black woman has to dream of truly owning her own land and live without fear of someone taking everything from her. Is it because reality is the opposite? Then ask yourself why you feel that you should question her dream, no matter how foreign it may seem to you. Ask yourself why you feel the need to crush her dream in the comment section. To bring her back to the reality that has been historically unsafe and unkind to her and all who resemble her. Ask yourself why you feel you have the right to do this.
People need to dream. I know I’m going to dream my dream. You are going to let me. And if you do not like my dream, enough that you feel the need to crush it, do both of us a favor. Log off and go to sleep.
Humans like to pretend that life is strife. It makes a lot of other things easier for them to pretend/accept/allow.
Argue with your dead ancestors fr fr😭😂
Dreams are what keeps us motivated to go on. They give us something to strive for. Dreams are very personal and everyone’s are different. Who are we to question someone else’s dreams? Never squash the dreams of another.