The deep love you show for your loved one, the compassion and empathy 💞 it touches me deeply. As someone who has a similar monster visiting often, this hits home. Having someone show up for you (for me) in this way is all one could ever ask for but it is precious as gold for not many people 'get it'. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being who you are.

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Thank you for this comment. Please keep fighting. 🫂

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😊💕 I always do, have done for as long as I can remember

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WOW. How beautiful a testament to love. Steadfast, wise, ever-present, and patient. Lovely.

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Thank you Shalagh💛

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This was so beautiful. I can relate to this. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you for your continued support 💛💖🫶🏾

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You're welcome!

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a wonderful essay, Ashe. I've dealt with something similar with someone I loved and I couldn't heal her either. (I was too young to understand all that. It took a long time to get it.)

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I can only imagine how it must have affected you as a young one. Children (even the ones that don’t think they’re children anymore, I.e, teens lol) tend to blame themselves. Hugs 🫂 to you always.

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It was a complex situation. (I was a teen.)

And thank you. hugs right back to you. 🫂

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I felt this so deeply. As someone who has struggled with this self-same monster, I not only feel the struggle of your loved one, but am blown away by your compassion, support, and love. If only every one has such a cheerleader in their corner, the landscape of things would be so different. You write so beautifully and tenderly, it made me feel like you were talking to me.🥰 Ironically, I recently wrote about a monster, too - a different one though - but my struggle with my monster was born as a consequence of this demon you speak of. Grateful to have come across your essay today🙏🏼❤️

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This made me tear up. I’m glad you came across it too.

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Your words are beautiful. Loving. Kind. Thank-you thank-you thank-you.

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